About Us

Welcome to Painters Mag!!

Hi, I’m Joshua George, founder, and editor of paintersmag.com. I have worked as a professional house painter for over 14 years and have developed tried and true techniques that allow me to paint interior and exterior surfaces that are flawless.

Why PaintersMag!

PaintersMag.com was created with the idea that the way to help people create better finishes when they painted for themselves was to educate people on paints, painting styles, painting application methods, tools used in the work, and everything paint related.

PaintersMag.com intends to keep relevant information available on its pages so that everyone who wants to know something about painting will have a place they can research their questions with confidence. Each article is written with the advice of professional painters, home interior designers, and renovation specialists. All of the information found on the website will be factual, relevant, easy to understand, and reliable.

Our main goal is to cover everything related to painting a house, both on the interior and the exterior portions. We will include factual information that you can count on to be realistic and true.

We will cover subjects that include, but are not limited to:

Paints – the type of paint that you use makes a big difference in the results you will achieve. Most people are aware that there are exterior paint products and interior products, but the average person does not know what makes one product better or worse for certain material types.

We will cover paint types, and paint finishes like satin, matte, high-gloss, semi-gloss, and flat. We will educate our readers so they can choose the right paint according to the surface they are painting and how they want the final surface to appear.

Additives – the additives that are mixed into paints are often what make one paint a better choice for a wooden surface instead of a metal surface. Additives can be capable of increasing the adherence qualities of the paint or they can be used to make the paint more protective for the material it is applied to. Rust-proof additives stop metal items from rusting, mold and mildew additives can stop mold growth or prevent future growth, moisture resistant additives keep high humidity and exposure to moisture from damaging the materials the paint is applied to. Learning which additives is best for which surfaces will help the painter achieve a better-looking finish that is more durable.

Applicators – there are several different methods of applying house paint. You can use a paintbrush, a roller with a cover, or paint spraying equipment. Each of these application methods has good points that make them perfect for some painting jobs and make them less than perfect for other painting jobs. We aim to educate our readers so they feel confident that they can select the best application process for the paint, material, and finish they are trying to create.

Techniques – the techniques that our professionals developed through their experience with paint and different surfaces are vital to creating smooth and flawless surfaces. Our pros want to share their tips and tricks that help you paint without leaving brush marks, and paint so that the paint does not peel as easily or crack on the surface.

Accessories – Painting accessories are all of the tools and items that a painter can use to make the work easier or to maintain their equipment. These include cleaning agents like mineral spirits for thinning and cleaning oil-based paints, ladders, the right protective gear, paint pans, disposable liners, and more. Our experts try to include a list of their favorite accessories in each of the articles.

Cost – We will do our best to help people figure out the average cost of doing the type of paint job they want to do. We will try to cover the cost of hiring a professional and the cost of doing the work yourself. Our goal is to help people to understand how much the projects they dream of doing will cost so they will be prepared before they go to the paint store for supplies.

We also try to help people figure out how much paint to use so they can buy the proper amount of paint, primer, sealer, and such on their first trip to the paint supply store.

How-to articles – the how-to articles are involved pieces that break down different painting jobs in step-by-step detail. We aim to include all of the materials you will need and the things you need to do to make the finish look better and last longer. 

These instructional articles will cover how to apply paint, how to remove paint, how to clean up, and how to prepare before you paint. We want you to be able to approach each paint job you decide to do with confidence. We want you to complete each paint job and feel pride in your work and pride in your abilities.

paintersmag.com intends to have something interesting and useful for beginning painters and professionals. We will update and refresh our content often so there is always something new to read and learn on the website. We also encourage our readers to contact us and tell us about things you would like to know more about. Your suggestions and questions will help us to provide the kind of articles that the majority of readers want to see.

Happy Painting!!